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List Building from Scratch Worksheets, Checklists and Guide

List Building from Scratch Worksheets, Checklists and Guide

Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price $12.00 USD Sale price $8.00 USD
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"List Building from Scratch Worksheets, Checklists and Guide" is a PLR package to help you or your customers reach an audience and market your brand or product through list building, these templates will show you how to build an email list from the beginning so you can leverage its power for future marketing.

These templates can help your customers and you get started right away.

Build Your Mailing List From Scratch Guide

The 9-page user guide explains how to build a mailing list from scratch. This guide covers: choosing your email service provider, making the signup process easy,  lets talk about pop ups, create targeted landing pages,  creating high quality lead magnets, getting traffic to your email sign up, and so much more!

Templates Include:

  • Email Service Provider Comparison Chart - This handy short comparison chart will help you see what’s available.
  • Getting Traffic to Your Sign-up Checklist - Use this checklist to keep you on track when deciding how and which traffic building techniques to use.
  • Landing Page Worksheet - Use this worksheet to help you determine what needs to go on your landing page.
  • Lead Magnet Ideas List and Worksheet - Your lead magnet is the offer that entices your reader to sign up for your email list. Use this worksheet and ideas list as a guide when creating yours.
  • Opt-in Form Checklist - Use this checklist to guide you as you create your opt-in forms.
  • Short Opt-in or Landing Page Template (PPT) - Fill in this template for your opt-in or landing page.

YES, Private Label Rights Use Included! Our Business-Building Templates come with PLR rights, so that means you can use them in your own business, but can also share them with your customers and clients, with our usual terms of use and license.

Files Included in your PLR template package:

  • 1 guide in .docx format
  • 1 guide in PDF format (can be uploaded to Canva)
  • 5 template files in .docx format
  • 6 template files in PDF format
  • 1 template file in PPT format
  • Cover graphic in PNG format
  • Cover graphics with an editable Canva template link

Using the PLR Content for Your Business? Some Ideas for Using Your Content:

  • Edit the templates as much as you'd like, so it works with your business.
  • Print the guide and take the time for deep brainstorming.
  • Save your templates in a binder, so you can refer to it later and use ideas you haven't explored yet.
  • Be sure to join us in the EKithub Facebook Group if you haven't any questions about implementing the templates in your business. We are always happy to help.

Sharing with Customers and Clients? Some Ideas for Using Your Content:

  • Edit the templates as much as you'd like.
  • Save your completed templates in a binder, so you can refer to it later and use ideas you haven't explored yet.
  • Save the templates in a marketing folder on your computer, so that you can use reprint and use it anytime you need.
  • Be sure to join us in the EKithub Facebook Group if you haven't any questions about implementing the templates in your business. We are always happy to help.

If you plan to share the content, we've also included this useful extra with personal use only...

  • "How to Grow Business with Worksheets and Checklists" Insider's Guide. This guide helps you with:
    • 10 ideas for publishing your worksheets and checklists
    • Using worksheets and checklists to grow your list, including 8 ways to promote your free offer
    • How to turn your worksheet and checklists into a workbook for sale
    • How to turn your worksheet and checklist into a course for sale
    • How to turn your worksheet and checklist into a printables bundle for sale
    • How to get access to our complete and free email marketing course + templates
    • How to get ongoing help and support in using your content, creating products and marketing your business
  • Tips for editing your content
  • Terms of use / license certificate

Trying to grow your list but not sure where to start?

Email is one of the strongest ways to reach an audience and market your brand or product. An email list should be one of your top priorities if you’re looking to grow your business.

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to reach your target audience and drive traffic to your website. It also provides you with a user database that you can use for other marketing activities in the future.

Creating your own email list from scratch can seem overwhelming at first, but once you know the basics, it’s not as scary as it sounds. In this Insider’s Guide to Building a Mailing List from Scratch, we’ll show you how to build an email list from the beginning so you can leverage its power for future marketing activities such as getting more signups for your blog, launching a loyalty program, selling more products or services, and more.

List building is a crucial strategy for businesses of all sizes because it helps establish and nurture direct relationships with customers and prospects. A well-curated list can provide numerous benefits that contribute to the long-term success of a business. Here are several reasons why list building is so important:

  • Direct Communication: A list allows businesses to communicate directly with their audience through channels such as email, SMS, or newsletters. This direct line of communication enables personalized and targeted messaging, which can be more effective in engaging customers and driving action.
  • Customer Insights: Building a list provides valuable data and insights into customer preferences, behaviors, and trends. This information can guide business decisions, product development, and marketing strategies, allowing businesses to better meet customer needs.
  • Cost-Effective Marketing: Email marketing and other list-based communications are generally more cost-effective than traditional advertising methods. Businesses can achieve high ROI through targeted campaigns and personalized messaging to their list subscribers.
  • Customer Retention: Maintaining regular contact with customers through a list helps keep the business top-of-mind and fosters customer loyalty. By providing ongoing value and relevant content, businesses can encourage repeat purchases and long-term relationships.
  • Lead Nurturing: Lists allow businesses to nurture leads over time by sending educational content, offers, and other relevant information. This helps move prospects through the sales funnel and increases the likelihood of conversion.
  • Increased Engagement: Personalized and targeted communications can lead to higher levels of engagement from customers. By sending content that resonates with their interests, businesses can increase open rates, click-through rates, and overall interaction.
  • Brand Building: Consistent communication with a list helps reinforce a business's brand and messaging. By sharing valuable content and staying in touch, businesses can build brand recognition and trust among their audience.
  • Scalability: Lists can be scaled easily as a business grows, allowing for expansion without significant additional cost. This scalability makes list building an efficient and effective strategy for businesses of all sizes.
  • Feedback and Research: Lists can be used to gather feedback from customers through surveys, polls, and other forms of interaction. This valuable input can help businesses improve products and services and tailor their offerings to better suit customer needs.
  • Launching New Products or Services: When a business has a well-established list, it can leverage it to launch new products or services more effectively. Early adopters and loyal customers on the list are more likely to be interested in new offerings and can provide early feedback.

    List building is an essential strategy for businesses to create lasting relationships with their audience, increase engagement, and drive growth. By focusing on building and nurturing a quality list, businesses can benefit from a reliable and sustainable source of customer interaction and revenue.

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